
DVB-T Receiver For Android Devices (Review)

This is a video review I made of the DVB-T receiver for Android devices:

DVB-T Receiver For Android Devices Review

Links to purchase this DVB-T receiver for Android devices:

Via Aliexpress:

Via Amazon:


The brand: N/A
The model: N/A

The pros:

  • Excellent sound & audio quality.
  • Doesn’t cause battery to run out fast (so far this is the impression the I have).
  • Easy to operate the app that works with it (PadTV HD), which is superb.

The cons:

  • It’s not so expensive, but I wish it was cheaper, cause in my opinion it can be cheaper, and people in some countries might think that.
  • Doesn’t support iOS (iPad & iPhone are not supposed to work with it).
  • Doesn’t support more advanced broadcasting methods.
  • Came in a simple plastic bag…

User manual:



Q: Do I need Wi-Fi network in order for this receiver to work?

A: No, Like I explain in the video, the only thing you need to do is plug the receiver and it will receive DVB-T signals (if there are any in your area).

For further questions about this item – leave a comment and I will do my best to answer it.

Photos of this DVB-T receiver for Android devices :

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